Tim Langlois, Claude Spencer, Brooke Gibbons, Kingsley Griffin, Kye Adams, Charlotte Aston, Neville Barrett, Ashlee Bastiaansen, Donna Beach, Ant Bernard, Todd Bond, Genevieve Carey, Jenn Caselle, Katie Cieri, Gabrielle Cummins, Katherine Cure, Simon de Lestang, John Fitzhardinge, Anita Giraldo-Ospina, Gretchen Grammer, David Guilfoyle, Christopher Henderson, Sharyn Hickey, Jamie Hicks, Renae Hovey, Charlie Huveneers, Daniel Ierodiaconou, John Keesing, Nathan Knott, Jennifer Lavers, Steve Lindfield, James Lindholm, Stanley Mastrantonis, Kinsey Matthews, Matthew Navarro, Julian Partridge, Dominique Pellieter, Camilla Piggott, Rachel Przeslawski, Ben Radford, Matt Rees, Ron Reynolds, Fernanda Rolim, Adam Smith, Felix Spencer, Rick Starr, Samuel Thompson, Iszaac Webb, Wayne Webb, Sasha Whitmarsh, Joel Williams, Jacquomo Monk

Chapter citation:
Langlois T, Spencer C, Gibbons B, Griffin K, Adams K, Aston C, Barrett N, Bastiaansen A, Beach D, Bernard A, Bond T, Carey G, Caselle J, Cieri K, Cummins G, Cure K, de Lestang S, Fitzhardinge J, Giraldo-Ospina A, Grammer G, Guilfoyle D, Henderson C, Hickey S, Hicks J, Hovey R, Huveneers C, Ierodiaconou D, Keesing J, Knott N, Lavers J, Lindfield S, Lindholm J, Mastrantonis S, Matthews K, Navarro M, Partridge J, Pellieter D, Piggott C, Przeslawski R, Radford B, Rees M, Reynolds R, Rolim F, Smith A, Spencer F, Starr R, Thompson S, Webb I, Webb W, Whitmarsh S, Williams J, Monk J. 2024. Benthic Observation Survey System (BOSS) to survey marine benthic habitats. In Field Manuals for Marine Sampling to Monitor Australian Waters, Version 3. Przeslawski R, Foster S (Eds). National Environmental Science Program (NESP).

Chapter Contents
SOP Development
System Design
Sampling Design
Field Logistics
Metadata Collection
Image Synchronisation, Compositing and stereo Calibration
Image Annotation
Annotation software
Image annotation
Quality Control and Data Curation
Field Manual Maintenance

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